What to know before you go - JUNO Week 2020
Omg! What? How is it already March?! How is The JUNOs already next week?! If you’re flying driving or, I don’t know, teleporting (?) to Saskatoon next week to take in the JUNOs here is everything you need to know to have the very best time!
Saskatoon’s airport, otherwise known as Skyxe is located 15 minutes from the heart of Saskatoon. It’s awesome! No long travel time once after you arrive, you can get off your plane, pick up your bag, and be at your hotel. Just like that. Check out their website for up to date arrival and departure times, parking, and security wait times!
View of Saskatoon from the sky
Getting around Saskatoon is easy and affordable!
Saskatoon Transit
Saskatoon’s transit system is easy to use! The main hub is downtown on 23rd Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue. There are two easy ways to plan your route. Use the Transit app or event just Google maps! All buses are 100% accessible and have bike racks!
PS: Renting a bike is a super fun way to explore Saskatoon!
Ubers and Taxis
Ubers and Taxis are abundant in Saskatoon! Use the Uber app or the Riide app to book your trips!
What to wear
March in Saskatoon can be a little bit surprising, temperatures can range from -20 to +10. Make sure you pack layers and if you are going to do some exploring by foot rubber boots or extra socks is never a bad idea! If you found that you did not dress appropriately, no worries, Saskatoon has many amazing shopping destinations!
Puddles in Downtown Saskatoon
Now for what to wear to the JUNO awards, that’s up to you. Dress up if you are like me and love any excuse to get fancy. If you’re a jeans and t-shirt kind of person you’ll fit right in! They are selling some awesome JUNOs swag so make sure you leave a little room in that suitcase.
Leave time to explore
Feeding Chickadees at Beaver Creek
There is so much more to Saskatoon then meets the eye. Make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to explore! Saskatoon has many amazing restaurants and bars, and is full of art and culture! To make sure you don’t miss a thing make sure you look through our other Saskatooning blogs, including Where to east when in Saskatoon for the JUNOs and Five must-have experiences when in Saskatoon for the JUNOs.
I feel like I am missing something! Oh yes! Make sure to enjoy yourself!
Keep your phone charged! You never know when you might run into someone famous!
For JUNO Event information click here.