Mennonite Floor Cloth Painting and Indigenous Rug Braiding Workshop
On Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27 join artist Margruite Krahn in creating your own Mennonite floor cloth and Renee Seymour and Elder Georgina Martin in learning Indigenous rug braiding techniques. Participants will take part in a two-day workshop to learn about the history of Mennonite floor painting in the 19th and 20th centuries and the design and paint their own functional 2’ by 3’ canvas floor cloth. On the evening of the first day participants will going Elder Georgina and Renee to take part in Indigenous storytelling, learn about Indigenous rug braiding techniques and create their own braided potholders.
This hands-on experience is a creative way to learn more about Mennonite and Indigenous artistic and cultural practice. Don't wait to register, as there are limited spaces available. For more information including how to register, please contact the Diefenbaker Canada Centre or visit our website
101 Diefenbaker Place
Saskatoon SK S7N 5B8